3-Point Aerators

3-Point Aerators FAQs

What types of 3-point aerators are available?

There are two main types of 3-point aerators: spike aerators and plug aerators. Spike tractor aerators penetrate the soil with solid spikes, while plug aerators remove small soil cores. Depending on soil conditions and the desired level of aeration, both types serve different needs.

Can a 3-point aerator be used on any type of tractor?

Most 3-point aerators are compatible with tractors with a Category 1 or 2 3-point hitch system. Always verify the horsepower requirements and hitch compatibility of the tractor aerator attachment to ensure it fits your tractor.

How do I choose the right aerator for my tractor?

A 3-point aerator improves soil structure, reduces compaction, and promotes healthier turf growth. By enhancing the movement of air, water, and nutrients in the soil, aerator attachments help create a more vibrant and resilient lawn.